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I had a permanent voice inside reminding me how much of an idiot I was for being so irresponsible with my life and how normal and smart other people were because they didn´t smoke!

I had a permanent voice inside reminding me how much of an idiot I was for being so irresponsible with my life and how normal and smart other people were because they didn´t smoke….it was such a torture to look around and see so many people living NORMAL lives and enjoying them compared to mine. I finally got free with Allen Carr’s Easyway to Stop Smoking.

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“I had a permanent voice inside reminding me how much of an idiot I was for being so irresponsible with my life and how normal and smart other people were because they didn´t smoke!”

John Dicey, Worldwide CEO & Senior Therapist, Allen Carr’s Easyway, interviews Claudia Sarmiento, Allen Carr’s Easyway to Stop Smoking Chile

John: So Claudia, tell us about your life as a smoker?

Claudia: It´s been 10 years already since I became free of the cruel and unfair nicotine trap thanks to Allen Carr´s Easyway.

I can still remember those days when I woke up every morning as a smoker, feeling very aware of how young I was and the responsibility I had of being a single mother of two boys. I had the terrible feeling that I was hooked on some very stupid habit that I didn´t have the strength to quit.

I had a permanent voice inside reminding me how much of an idiot I was for being so irresponsible with my life and how normal and smart other people were because they didn´t smoke….it was such a torture to look around and see so many people living NORMAL lives and enjoying them compared to mine.

I knew it wasn’t right and the confusing feeling that I actually “liked it” was very odd and terrifying because it felt like a time-bomb and I was the only person who could get rid of it. It was like a nightmare but I didn´t know how to get free.

John: Did you try to quit many times?

Claudia: The first time I tried to quit was when I realised that already, in my early 30´s, I was losing energy in one of my favourite hobbies which is the gym.

So one day I said “This is the last cigarette in my life, and I will finally be free” it was easy to say but in the minute I became aware of this, I was invaded by fear. I couldn´t think of anything else but smoking. This anxiety and sadness started to appear and I didn’t manage to last 24 hours! I lit up a cigarette and continued to smoke for two more years knowing that I probably would smoke for the rest of my life.

John: So how did you hear about Allen Carr’s Easyway?

Claudia: One day, reading a magazine in Chile, I saw Allen Carr´s Easyway method mentioned as a very successful one to quit smoking without suffering. It said that there was a money back guarantee. I honestly liked the idea that I wasn´t going to suffer, it was not a money issue, believe me! I even thought that if I were to find a real method to quit and this one would cost me a million dollars, I would move the world to get the money and pay for it!

At that stage, my biggest dream was to become a non-smoker.

To my surprise, the method was available in many countries except for Chile – so I travelled to Mexico, my home country, and booked into a seminar.

By this time my brother and his friends had already been to the seminar and they had been smoke-free for some time – so this inspired me even more because I thought my brother was the kind of smoker who would be impossible to cure!

John: How did it go for you after the seminar?

Claudia: The day of the seminar I had very mixed feelings because I realised I had a love and hate relationship with smoking. I felt sad and happy to quit at the same time. It was all so terribly confusing UNTIL THAT DAY.
I didn´t know that this confusion had a name, it´s called ADDICTION and it´s no pleasure at all to live with it.

After the session I was the same person who entered in the morning but the big difference was that there was no need to smoke, no craving at all, it was SO EASY that I honestly thought this was nothing else but magic!

John: How did you get involved with the organisation?

Claudia: After the seminar I didn´t hesitate for one second and asked my therapist to put me in touch with the worldwide headquarters of Allen Carr’s Easyway.

It was a tough process to be recruited – but it was so worthwhile. To bring Allen Carr’s Easyway to Stop Smoking to Chile was my quest – it was an honour to achieve it.

The training was really tough too. And while I was preparing myself to become a therapist and run the sessions in Chile, day by day I could feel why it was so right to do it and my decision was the best one.

I went back to my fitness life and noticed a huge difference in my high impact training. I could now spend more time with my boys and stopped torturing them with the idea of a sick mom.

I gained my productive time, my energy, my health, my breath is fresh, I whitened my teeth, the money I would have smoked in a year I spent in on plane tickets for me and my children, I look better, I feel better and the best of all: I AM FINALLY FREE OF THAT MISERABLE LIFE OF SMOKING TWO PACKS A DAY FOR 16 YEARS NON-STOP.

To become a franchisee started as a passion and a business but then it became something bigger than that. I am committed to something special, I do for others what I prayed that somebody would do for me some day…to set them free,

Today I feel part of a big family which is the Allen Carr´s Easyway Organisation that makes me a proud member of a hard-working worldwide team of incredibly special people.

Read more about ‘How to Stop Smoking’

Read more about ‘How to Stop Vaping’

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