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Whether you need a little more encouragement, or are looking for some advice with an addiction, we have a range of articles to help you on your path to freedom. See our most popular articles or select a topic to view more.

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547 items

Vaping is not cool - Know the harmful impacts of...

Vaping isn't safe, far from it. For smokers it’s believed to be less harmful than cigarettes, but for smokers and non-smokers alike it’s still incredibly harmful.

Broken sleep makes you feel years older!

We’ve all been there, haven’t we? Whether it’s an annoying cough, work-related stress, or just an inexplicable inability to sleep well for a couple of nights, we end up feeling...

How to have a good night's sleep - A practical...

Discover practical tips and a comprehensive guide to help you get a good nights sleep. Say goodbye to restless nights and wake up feeling refreshed.
arrow showing way to the gym

Getting back in the gym

Whether you are a novice or planning on going back to the gym after a long break having a plan detailing how to get back into the gym is essential.

How Big Tobacco is targeting women

The tobacco industry has long since employed various marketing strategies to target women and increase their tobacco product consumption, and today, as the industry shifts its focus to e-cigarettes, the...

New research shows after 2 years 40% still not smoking

New independent research in Italy shows that after 2 years 40% still not smoking after attending Allen Carr's Easyway Seminars

Allen Carr’s Easyway wins health award

Allen Carr’s Easyway are delighted to announce that we have been given an award for “Outstanding work in the field of smoking cessation”.

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio 

Can you help me to quit vaping please?

It seems so hard to stop! Vaping doesn’t stink, it doesn’t taste bad and is just so convenient! I am really struggling to stop.

Why does fear of quitting success cause me a problem?

Allen Carr has talked about fear of failure and fear of success — but what is fear of success and how does it cause a problem?

How do I quit smoking if my partner won’t quit...

Will it be harder to quit smoking if my partner smokes? I don’t want to be sucked back into smoking because I live with a smoker.

Why do I always go back to smoking when I...

I managed to keep it to that for a while (just smoking while drinking) but I’ve caved in this morning and am back to smoking properly. I’m afraid that I...

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