This makes me so angry that I want to have a fag!- Victoria Coren Mitchell

Victoria Coren Mitchell writes “Ignoring Allen Carr in favour of vaping is like the NHS buying Louis Vuitton scarves in bulk for throat infections”.

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This makes me so angry that I want to have a fag!

Last week saw an all-time low for Allen Carr’s Easyway’s organisation; with Cancer Research UK advertising e-cigarettes and Public Health England suggesting that vape shops and their staff have “valuable expertise” when it comes to helping smokers to quit. All this, while Public Health England continue to ignore Allen Carr’s Easyway method; the best-selling stop smoking method of all time.

It was in this context that Victoria Coren Mitchell’s wonderful opinion piece which, given it was neither solicited by us nor written with our knowledge, came as a delightful antidote to the overwhelming, relentless pro-vaping propaganda mysteriously emanating from all sections of the UK’s smoking cessation establishment. When Public Health England, Cancer Research UK, Action on Smoking & Health, and the NHS rally behind the tobacco and pharmaceutical industry to promote lifelong addiction to nicotine at the expense of quitting smoking it’s easy to feel as if the battle against nicotine addiction is lost.

Victoria Coren Mitchell’s piece puts into words, far better than I ever could, the dismay felt by former smokers, who used Allen Carr’s method to quit, and simply don’t understand how e-cigarettes can be promoted at the expense of the world’s best-selling stop smoking book which costs less than a packet of cigarettes.

She jokes that the situation makes her so angry she could smoke,

“In my opinion, it’s appalling that a state-funded, state-sanctioned public health body should recommend vapes to people who want to stop smoking”.

Furthermore, she writes,

“This just leaves a load of unproved nonsense being spouted in vape bars. It’s not the way to stop smoking. There is a way to stop smoking and this isn’t it. The whole approach is stupid, unhelpful and wrong. Is it even worse than that…? Well, let’s see.

“Like millions of others, I (a committed lover of cigarettes, a smoker since the age of 12, a 60-a-day girl who wouldn’t sleep in a no-smoking house or hotel) quitted, quickly and painlessly, almost overnight, with Allen Carr’s Easy Way to Quit Smoking.

Allen Carr was a visionary who saw the answer in a flash of light. He just solved the puzzle, like Sherlock Holmes. Unlike e-cigarettes, his method carries 0% chance of its own health risk, 0 toxicity, 0 uncertainty over its relationship with pneumonia or cancer, and – after you spend a fiver on his book (or some people do a course) – is completely free for ever.

That the state would seriously consider decanting money from our beautiful, beleaguered NHS into the coffers of British American Tobacco, while ignoring Carr’s breakthrough ever since publication, is as though Alexander Fleming had discovered penicillin in 1985 and the health service, having told nobody about it for 33 years, was buying Louis Vuitton scarves in bulk for throat infections.

Except, for that comparison to work properly, they’d need to be Louis Vuitton scarves that might cause emphysema themselves if you wore them long enough.”

This is exceptional, powerful, incisive writing that perfectly puts into words the sense of dismay permanently etched onto the brows of Allen Carr teams across the globe.

There’s more where that came from and you can read the entire piece on the button below.

Read Victoria Coren Mitchell’s Guardian Piece

Read more about Allen Carr’s Easyway to Quit Smoking

Read more about ‘How to Quit Vaping’

From the desk of John Dicey, Worldwide CEO & Senior Facilitator, Allen Carr’s Easyway

#QuitSmoking #StopSmoking #BeAddictionFree #AllenCarr #QuitVaping #StopVaping #SmokeFree

Watch Victoria Coren Mitchell talking about Allen Carr’s Easyway

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