Quit Smoking Online Video Program – Express version

Smoking client rating 4.8 | 8,446 reviews

Our on-demand video programme is the quickest, easiest and most immediate way of accessing Allen Carr’s Easyway to Quit Smoking, when you want, where you want.

We don’t focus on the downsides of smoking – you know all about those already. Instead the programme answers the question “What’s so great about being a smoker?” Understanding that is the key to being set free.

The approach is simple, logical and can even help those who are not sure they want to quit smoking completely.

This is our condensed bootcamp version lasting 2 1/2 hours and in 14 parts for ease of viewing.

woman on laptop and person looking at mobile phone
Icon for No Substitutes or medications

No Substitutes or medications

Icon for The program takes only 2.5 hours

The program takes only 2.5 hours

Icon for No cravings No weight gain

No cravings No weight gain

Icon for No changing your daily habits

No changing your daily habits

Icon for No bad withdrawal symptoms

No bad withdrawal symptoms

Icon for World Health Organisation Partner

World Health Organisation Partner

What’s included?

The express online video programme is presented by one of our most experienced therapists, who has personally helped thousands of people, including many celebrities.

We recommend you watch in one sitting but if time is an issue we suggest watching Parts 1-7 one day, and Parts 8-14 the following day

What happens during the programme?

Our on-demand video programme is the quickest, easiest and most immediate way to stop smoking from the comfort of your own home. See our short video to see what you can expect.

We help you to understand your addiction
We help you to understand your addiction or issue
We show you how to transform it
We show you how to transform it
We remove the fear so you can set yourself free
We remove the fear so you can set yourself free
OVP R Stop Smoking video play_circle_outline

A short trailer of the video programme

Understanding why you smoke

The programme does not use any scare tactics or shocking images of the harm that smoking does. You know all about that already.

Instead we examine and correct the misconceptions that keep all smokers trapped. We don’t just look at the physical addiction but the mental aspect as well. You may be surprised that the addiction is 1% physical and 99% mental

This is the most important aspect of stopping smoking withAllen Carr’s Easyway – as long as we ‘get your head right’ the physical aspects of the addiction are actually incredibly mild. 

We know at this point you will find this hard to believe but it only takes a few hours for us to show you how.

image of brain changing the way we think about our addiction or issue

What is it that keeps you hooked?

Smokers believe that they get some sort of genuine pleasure or benefit from smoking.

That it helps them enjoy life, handle stress, relax, socialise and control their weight.

For this reason they fear that even if they do succeed in stopping they will be miserable and feel deprived for the rest of their lives.

In addition to that fear, smokers also fear the downsides of smoking; the health worries, the stigma, the cost, the slavery and although they work hard not to think about them they remain like a huge dark cloud at the back of a smoker’s mind.

These are the fears that keep smokers hooked.

The method removes your need and desire to smoke and removes the fears that keep you hooked.

Finding Freedom

You will finish the on-demand video as a happy non-smoker without any need for aids or substitutes.

No nicotine gum, patches, lozenges, tabs, inhalators, nasal sprays or e-cigarettes!

The presentation removes any feeling of deprivation, leaving you in the right frame of mind to quit smoking and by following some simple instructions you will find that the physical withdrawal from nicotine is hardly noticeable.

You will not miss smoking!

You can start right now, wherever you are as long as you have a good internet/Wi-Fi connection. 

The online video programme is available 24/7

woman free from her addictions and issues

Client & Celebrity Videos

World Health Organisation – Selection of unpaid celebrity testimonials

Alcohol, Caffeine, Cannabis, Cocaine, Debt, Drugs, Emotional Eating, Exercise, Flying, Gambling, Mindfulness, Opioids, Sleep, Smoking, Sugar, Technology, Vaping, Weight and Wellbeing at Work

Oliver Lewis

Alcohol, Smoking and Vaping

How to stop smoking & vaping – Client testimonials

Smoking and Vaping

Ellen DeGeneres (Comedian, Chat show host & Actor) & Colin Farrell (Actor) (subtitles)

Smoking and Vaping


Frequently asked questions

Which of your programmes is best for me? online video programme, seminar or book?


The seminar boasts the highest success rate of 90% and a full money back guarantee for smoking, alcohol and drugs. It’s the most powerful way of accessing Allen Carr’s Easyway method either at a center or online via Zoom.

Our online video programmes allow you to stop when you want and where you want. It is not a seminar, neither is it a recording of one, but a standalone programme in its own right. Unlike our center seminars you will not be able to speak directly with an Allen Carr’s Easyway therapist.

The book, audiobooks and apps allow you to go through the method at your own pace.

How successful is Allen Carr’s Easyway? / What is your success rate?


The success rate at Allen Carr’s Easyway Centres is over 50% after 12 months as indicated in independent scientific studies in peer review journals1.

It is also more effective than established government programmes including the gold standard NHS 1-1 service & the Irish Health Service’s Quit.ie based on two randomised controlled trials published in a peer reviewed journals.

Read more about the Easyway success rate

Can I still socialise with my smoker and vaper friends when I stop?


Absolutely. When you leave a seminar you are free from the tricks that nicotine plays on the brain and you will not want to smoke or vape again.

This means you are free to socialise with smokers and vapers even while they smoke and not feel the desire to join them.

We know that’s hard to believe – but take our word for it – whether you’re surrounded by smokers at work or at home or throughout your social life – you’ll be a happy non-smoker and won’t be tempted to smoke. Even better – you won’t turn into one of those awful “reformed smokers” – someone who quits smoking and subsequently hassles and harangues their smoking friends.

Your friends, colleagues, and family will be amazed how easily you’ll cope with life as a happy non-smoker and you won’t feel like you’re missing out on anything once you quit smoking.

Read full article

Where do I login?


Once you have bought your online video on-demand programme you will receive an email as well as log in details to the My Account area of the website.

The My Account area of the website is found in the top right corner of every screen

Just log in and you will be able to start viewing the product that you bought.

How do you extend the online video programme?


To extend your online video programme please log in to the My Account area (top right corner of every page of the website).

Find your online video programme and on expiry you will see an option to extend.

Medical References

  1. UK Clinical Trial finds Allen Carr’s Easyway as good as, if not better than, the Gold Standard NHS Program which uses NRT & 1-1 psychological support.
    Frings D, Albery IP, Moss AC, Brunger H, Burghela M, White S, and Wood KV (2020) Comparison of Allen Carr’s Easyway programme with a specialist behavioural and pharmacological smoking cessation support service: A randomised controlled trial. Addiction 115: doi: 10.1111/add.14897
  2. National 12 month Clinical Trial finds Allen Carr’s Easyway almost twice as effective as other smoking cessation methods available on Health Service. Keogan, S., Li, S., Clancy L. (2018) Allen Carr’s Easyway to Quit Smoking – A randomised clinical trial. BMJ Tobacco Control, Issue 4 Volume 28
  3. After a 3 year study 51% reported continuing abstinence.
    Moshammer, H., & Neuberger, M. (2007). Long term success of short smoking cessation seminars supported by occupational health care. Addictive Behaviors, 32(7), 1486-1493
  4. Smokers following Allen Carr’s Easyway were about 6 times more likely to be abstinent, assessed after 13 months, compared to similar smokers in the general population.
    Dijkstra, A., Zuidema, R., Vos, D., Van Kalken, M., The effectiveness of the Allen Carr smoking cessation training in companies tested in a quasi-experimental design. BMC Public Health volume 14, Article number: 952 (2014)
  5. The 1 year quit rate was 55%. A long smoking history or many earlier unsuccessful attempts to quit did not predict failure.
    Hutter, H., Moshammer, H. & Neuberger, M. Int Arch Occup Environ Health (2006) 79: 42
  6. NICE guidance on treating tobacco dependence says that the Easyway in-person group seminar should be available through the NHS for adults who smoke..Evidence shows..[it is] cost effective and value for money for NHS. Tobacco: preventing uptake, promoting quitting and treating dependence NICE guideline [NG209]
  7. The 2 year quit rate was 37.5% and reduced absenteeism of 85%
    Prinzio, Bondanini, D Falco, Vinci, Camisa, Santoro, Arenesano, Dalmasso, Raponi, Di Brino, Cicchetti, Magnavita, Zaffin Feasibility of a Quit Smoking Program for Healthcare Workers in an Italian Hospital: Econometric Analysis in a Total Worker Health® Approach. Annals of Global Health (2023) Vol: 89 Issue 1
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