
How to quit emotional eating with Allen Carr’s Easyway

Weight client rating 4.9 | 150 reviews
Program only takes 4 hours
Freedom from binging
Requires no willpower
Reboot your thinking
Weight client rating 4.9 | 150 reviews

When we are stressed or unhappy, it is easy to turn to food as a source of comfort. But often overeating becomes a problem in itself.

Instead of placing painful restrictions on your eating behavior, Allen Carr’s Easyway method frees you from your psychological dependence on food all together.

By following the method’s clear instructions, you can quit emotional eating without willpower or sacrifice.

Escape the emotional eating trap with Easyway and lead a happier, healthier life.

Our on-demand video programme is the quickest, easiest and most immediate way to access Allen Carr’s Easyway to Quit Emotional Eating programme, when you want, where you want.

What’s included?

The online video programme is presented by one of our most experienced therapists, who has personally helped tens of thousands of people, including many celebrities.

  • Access to pre-recorded videos in 4 parts
  • 4 hours total duration
  • 15 days access
  • Language – English
  • Subtitles in English (just click cc on the video)
  • Interest free payment installment option via PayPal in UK or US
  • We promise no scare tactics

We recommend you watch in one sitting but if time is an issue we suggest watching Parts 1-2 one day, and Parts 3-4 the following day

woman watching an Allen Carr's Easyway online video course

What happens in the online video programme?

Our on-demand video programme is the quickest, easiest and most immediate way to quit emotional eating from the comfort of your own home.

See our short video below to see what you can expect

We help you to understand your addiction
We help you to understand your addiction or issue
We show you how to transform it
We show you how to transform it
We remove the fear so you can set yourself free
We remove the fear so you can set yourself free
Emotional Eating Online Video Program play_circle_outline

A short trailer of the video programme

You’ve got a difficult problem at work, so you reach for the biscuits.

They take your mind off the anxiety for a moment.

But when you finished and you return to your work, the problem is still there.

A cookie doesn’t take away your problems, but you regard it as a comfort.

You crave biscuits every time you feel anxious.

Talk about the mid afternoon sugar low, and many use that as an excuse to reach for the biscuits, chocolate or cake.

Yet in most cases, the low is caused by bad sugar addiction and the dysfunctional effect it has on blood sugar levels.

Get rid of the addiction, and the mid afternoon sugar low disappears.

Understanding why you emotionally eat

The programme does not use any scare tactics or shocking images of the harm that emotionally eating causes. You know all about that already.

Instead we examine and correct the misconceptions that keep you trapped eating which leads to guilt, misery… and more eating.

We don’t just look at the physical addiction but the mental aspect as well.

You may be surprised that the addiction is 1% physical and 99% mental.

This is the most important aspect of quitting emotional eating with the Allen Carr’s Easyway – as long as we ‘get your head right’ quitting emotional eating is actually incredibly easy.

We know at this point you will find this hard to believe but it only takes a few hours for us to show you how.

image of brain changing the way we think about our addiction or issue

What is it that keeps you hooked

From childhood, we’re brainwashed into thinking that junk food is a treat.

We’re given candy for being good; there’s cake and chocolate on our birthday; we go to fast food restaurants on special occasions.

The message is clear: this food is special.

Later in life, when we’re feeling low, we seek comfort from our favourites.

As a child you may have been rationed in your consumption of candy, biscuits, and cakes, but when you’re an adult with your own money and your own rules, the rationing ends.

You can indulge yourself whenever you feel like it. And the more you indulge yourself, the more you feel like it.

It’s a subtle combination of addiction to Bad Sugar, the exercise of control NOT to binge, and the abandonment of control, meaning you succumb to the impulse to binge.

This is the trap you are in. It’s a vicious circle but you can break it by opening your mind and unravelling the brainwashing.

The method removes your need and desire to eat junk thereby removing the fears that keep you hooked.

Finding Freedom

You will finish the on-demand video looking forward to a future of freedom.

You’ll learn to follow your natural instincts, avoid guilt and remorse, enjoy the flavours of fresh foods, re-educate your taste buds, and let appetite be your guide rather than your enemy.

There are no points to count or difficult recipes to follow.

There are no prescribed meal plans to stick to instead your relationship with food will have changed and enable you to really enjoy a healthier way of eating.

You will not miss anything!

You can start right now, wherever you are as long as you have a good internet/Wi-Fi connection.

The online video programme is available 24/7

women sitting in nature enjoying being free of their addiction or issue

Client videos

I never have to diet again
I used to lose 3 stone then put it back on. A constant yo-yo cycle but thanks to the seminar I enjoy eating and have lost weight
Lisa S, UK

Emotional Eating, Sugar and Weight

You need to consider emotional eating when dieting
It helps you realise that wanting chocolate or that pizza is a symptom and then you can get free.
Briony Crew, UK

Emotional Eating, Sugar and Weight

It’s very genius
It brainwashes you to believe that you’ve been brainwashed to like sugar and then you are free
Liz Glazer, US

Emotional Eating, Sugar and Weight


Frequently asked questions

Where do I login?


Once you have bought your online video on-demand programme you will receive an email as well as log in details to the My Account area of the website.

The My Account area of the website is found in the top right corner of every screen

Just log in and you will be able to start viewing the product that you bought.

Which of your programmes is best for me? online video programme, seminar or book?


The seminar boasts the highest success rate of 90% and a full money back guarantee for smoking, alcohol and drugs. It’s the most powerful way of accessing Allen Carr’s Easyway method either at a center or online via Zoom.

Our online video programmes allow you to stop when you want and where you want. It is not a seminar, neither is it a recording of one, but a standalone programme in its own right. Unlike our center seminars you will not be able to speak directly with an Allen Carr’s Easyway therapist.

The book, audiobooks and apps allow you to go through the method at your own pace.

Can I still socialise and dine out with my friends when I use the method?


Absolutely. When you leave a seminar you will change your relationship with food and be able to join your friends and eat your new found favourite foods without being tempted by what they have.

We know that’s hard to believe – but take our word for it you’ll be happy and won’t be tempted. Even better – you won’t turn into one of those awful ‘reformed junk eaters’ – someone who diets and subsequently hassles and harangues their friends to join them in the latest dieting fad. Your friends, colleagues, and family will be amazed at how easily you’ll cope with life and you won’t feel like you’re missing out on anything.

Read full article

How do you extend the online video programme?


To extend your online video programme please log in to the My Account area (top right corner of every page of the website).

Find your online video programme and on expiry you will see an option to extend.

What do you do if you have forgotten your password?


To reset your password please go to the My Account area (top right corner of every page of the website).

Try to log in and it will take you through how to reset your password

How long will I have access to my video?


Once you have bought the online video the subscription will remain active for 30 day if you bought a Smoking, Vaping or Drugs video or 15 days for all other videos.

The objective of the online video, like the live seminar, is to enable you to be free the day you view the programme. In the vast majority of cases there is no need to watch the video again as you are free!

For those clients who need a bit of additional reinforcement in the first 15 days, the subscription stays active to enable you to do this. But the key is to be free and move on with the rest of your life!

Should you wish to you can purchase an extension at reduced rates when you first purchase the video or you can extend from the my account section once you have bought the video

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