It was as if smoking was running the show of my life…

one of the most significant moments of my life because I had made it…I had finally escaped from smoking. Quit Smoking the Easyway.

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Read Muniesh’s moving story below:

“On May 19th 2012 at around 12.30pm, I had finished reading the last page of Allen Carr’s The Easy Way to Quit Smoking. I can remember such specific details with ease as that moment is probably one of the most significant moments of my life because I had made it…I had finally escaped from smoking. I remember about three weeks on from that date my nicotine cravings had significantly reduced but I was surprised to learn that even in those very rare moments when I would get an urge, I did not go near a single cigarette simply because I did not miss smoking at all.

My life as a smoker had been tightly chained to the thought of when my next smoke break would be. It was as if smoking was running the show of my life; it was in complete control of my day-to-day routine and I was enslaved. I felt guilty as well as helpless whenever I lit the next cigarette. I could physically see it affecting my health as well as the relationship with myself and my near and dear ones. My biggest inspiration to quit was that I wanted to feel the freedom of what it would be like to be a non-smoker and take on a healthy way of living. I used to constantly dream of that.

Downloading Allen Carr’s book was the best thing I ever did. It is a wonderful book written by an amazing teacher and is the answer to anyone who currently feels like I once felt. Not only have I been living a smoke free life but I have, in whatever little way, helped to share the experience of being smoke free with others. Just the other week, on May 29th 2016, I shared the book with a very good friend of mine who is also a doctor. He was visibly surprised and became inquisitive about how I could have escaped smoking just from reading a book. I had mentioned to him that before I read the book, I had tried to quit through everything from “willpower techniques” to taking prescription medicines such as Zyban in 2000 and Chantix in 2010 – each time I had failed miserably. But I told him that upon reading this book alone, I was able to completely change the dynamics of my relationship to smoking. It had allowed me to escape from the clutches of nicotine and I have never, ever missed it. Not in the slightest.

With that being said, in whatever way I can, I want to share this gift with others. I know the sense of freedom one can feel and each and every full breath that one can experience when they choose to remove cigarettes from their life. The very first thing I realised when I quit was that I no longer had to worry about bad breath, smokers cough and breathless feelings because my body had started welcoming the freshness of oxygen and a new, healthy way of living. Now that smoking is a thing of the past, I get to enjoy my daily life without interruption and living in the moment brings on waterfalls of pure bliss. I have more and more valuable time for each and every activity I undertake, each and every event I attend and each and every conversation I engage in. I want to thank you, Allen Carr. Reading your book has been the best decision I have ever made for myself and for my health.”
Muniesh has been an EasyWay non-smoker for 4 years.

Read more about How to Quit Smoking

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