Great media coverage despite an advertising budget of (virtually) £$€Nil

John Dicey, Global CEO, Allen Carr’s Easyway says “Our greatest strength? Other than the method itself, it’s our brilliant therapist teams across the globe”

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Great Media Coverage Despite an Advertising Budget of (virtually) £$€Nil

It’s fabulous to see more coverage in the media flagging up the effectiveness of Allen Carr’s Easyway to Quit Smoking method.

The necessary evil in the kinds of features we appear in (national/international newspapers, magazines, websites) is that for the purposes of balance, we are normally included alongside nicotine patches and gum, Varenicline (Champix), Bupropion (Zyban). That said – it’s testimony to the huge popularity and effectiveness of Allen Carr’s method that, with an advertising & marketing budget of “virtually nil”, it still pushes its way onto the pages of the international media.

John Dicey, Global CEO & Senior Facilitator, Allen Carr’s Easyway says:

“The strength of Allen Carr’s Easyway has always been in the word of mouth effect. Years before social media, smart phones, or even the internet, word of the method was sweeping across the world simply as a result of people quitting successfully and enthusiastically talking about the method with their friends and family.

Our greatest strength? Our therapist teams across the globe

We now have Allen Carr Centres in more than 50 countries yet haven’t spent a single penny on therapist recruitment. The fabulous people who make up our teams across the globe were all inspired to contact us so that they could take Allen’s brilliant method to their country. It’s still happening to this day. We’re so lucky to have the most incredible people within the organisation – they’re not just enthusiastic and passionate about the cause – they’re extremely talented, capable, accomplished, and professional. I’m incredibly fortunate to count them, not only as valued colleagues, but as great friends too”

The Sun newspaper says:

“Former chain-smoker Allen Carr’s method for packing in cigarettes is famous all over the world. The technique involves learning about how addiction works in order to explode some of the delusions as to why we might smoke.

His theory is that once people see smoking for what it really is they find it easy to quit. The method can be learned through a book, a video, and also group meetings at Allen Carr Easyway Clinics up and down the country.”

There are so many different ways of accessing the method – by reading the books, attending the live seminars, viewing the online video programmes, the apps, and even live online seminars.

It’s so reassuring for people thinking about using the method to hear about the millions of success stories circling the globe. With an estimated 30 million smokers cured there’s no shortage.

Amazing offer for our video-on-demand stop smoking programme

It’s with great pleasure that we can provide HALF PRICE access to our ground-breaking programme that tackles smoking, and in fact, all nicotine addiction.

You don’t have to watch it all in one day

John explains “Ideally we’d prefer you to watch the programme in one or maybe two sittings – but by all means take your time. You have access to it for 15 days, so you can take your time if you prefer. The great thing about the programme is that we encourage smokers to carry on smoking while they take part in it – that was music to my ears when I was a chain-smoker. I was told “Carry on smoking until you’re ready”. I didn’t think I would be ready by the end…and no-one was more surprised than I was, that I was FREE!”

Quote “FREE” and take our video-on-demand Quit Smoking programme for HALF PRICE (expires 15th Dec 2017)

Read The Sun’s coverage of Allen Carr’s Easyway

From the desk of John Dicey, Worldwide CEO & Senior Facilitator, Allen Carr’s Easyway

#QuitSmoking #StopSmoking #BeAddictionFree #AllenCarr #QuitVaping #StopVaping

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