Another happy non-smoker from…England
Kathy Trenwith from Northants, England
Full Name: Kathy Trenwith from Northants, England
Occupation: retired care manager/RNLD.
Have you tried to quit before and if so, which methods have you tried?
I hadn’t tried stopping smoking for over 15 yrs as I had always been unsuccessful. The last time was using the inhaler method.
Briefly describe your thoughts on the method:
I am just amazed it worked because even at the end I was still wondering how it was going to get me to stop.
Approx date that you quitted smoking? 31/1/13
Briefly describe the impact on your life of having quitted smoking:
More money and I don’t feel as smelly. My cough has improved beyond belief.
Is there something special which you have achieved since you quitted smoking? Did you stop smoking for a specific reason? Any interesting angles that you can highlight about your case would be very useful (but not essential):
I didn’t even want to stop smoking but my daughter’s partner used the method and quitted smoking. Then my daughter did it – so I tried it out of curiosity!!! I had not thought about quitting smoking for years.
I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and thought it wouldn’t do me any harm to stop.
I am really happy now I have quitted and keep telling other smokers. I had my 1st cigarette when I was 5 yrs old and have smoked daily since I was about 9 or 10 yrs old. If I can give up anyone can!!! The method really, truly is a miracle for me!
For more information about how to get help to stop smoking in the UK with Allen Carr’s Easyway, please contact your nearest stop smoking clinic