Allen Carr’s Easyway wins prestigious award

Allen Carr’s Easyway are delighted to announce that we have been awarded, “Best Wellbeing Service Provider” for our wellbeing at work. Read more below.

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**** UPDATE: We have been shortlisted for 2023 Best Wellbeing Service Provider (results in 2023)****

John Dicey Global CEO of Allen Carr’s Easyway said:
“The nomination was as a result of our work, as an official partner, with the World Health Organisation throughout the covid crisis, our work with local health authority smoking cessation services, and our track record of providing our Live Group Seminars & Wellbeing at Work package to a host of global corporations including Google, Facebook, IBM, Microsoft, JCB, and Bloomberg to name just a few. I am delighted for Paul Baker & Colleen Dwyer – who headed up our nomination team – and whose work in highlighting the achievements of our Global HQ team and our teams across the globe, resulted in this prestigious recognition at the inaugural Great British Wellbeing Awards.”

The compelling arguments for Allen Carr’s Easyway’s Wellbeing at Work Package are manifold:

Hidden issues & addictions

Within the workplace, problems like gambling, illicit drug taking, alcohol abuse and debt are seldom recognised until the issue is acute. An employee’s struggle begins long before the effects are obvious in the workplace and as it builds, they tend to battle against their addiction or life damaging behaviours while desperately struggling to hide it from their line managers, peers, and even their family.

So, at what point does HR intervene?

When HR are presented with indicators like increased absenteeism, tardiness, poorer quality of work, unseemly incidents or accidents in the workplace, rumours amongst colleagues, they may well become alerted to the existence of an issue but are unlikely to know the true cause or scale of it until a serious incident occurs. Even then it can be difficult. Whatever the negative behavior or addiction might be – those living with it are compelled to be secretive about their condition.

That said, it is easy to mistakenly underestimate the desire of the individual to deal with their negative behavior or addiction. They often make repeated, failed attempts on their own, in secret, without any form of support or guidance before they finally hit rock bottom and become involved in behavior that affects their workplace relationships and performance.

What prevents people from accessing help & support?

The factors that prevent them from seeking more help are stigma, shame, embarrassment, fear of damaging their career, lack of access to effective & affordable support, time and commitment constraints, not to mention fear of failure.

Alongside Human Resources & Wellbeing policies and procedures which might identify escalating issues surrounding individual employees – it is essential to have at hand an effective solution that may help to end the addiction or negative behavior.

Early intervention and easy access to a proven solution which is made available anonymously, is critical for employers and employees alike.

So, what is the criteria for an effective solution? A programme needs to offer the following:

– A broad collection of life-changing programmes

– Anonymity – your employees will not use the programme if they believe their employer knows what they are viewing

– Quick & easy to access – the programme needs to be accessible 24/7/52 where and when the employees want it.

– Effective – there is no point having a programme with no track record of success

– A low fixed cost with a high ROI rather than be an overhead

– Easy to implement

– Welcomed by employees of all types; C-class to factory floor

– Appreciated by employees who benefit from it

Allen Carr’s Easyway method enables the individual to change their thinking so that the undesirable behavior naturally falls away. It is an intelligent, effective, and respectful approach to addictions & issues from which those living with them fear no escape.

Allen Carr’s Easyway method is a well-established, clinically proven, and phenomenally successful approach for addicts at any point in their addiction and for helping people to move away from negative behaviours. It is a gentle, quick, effective, and unobtrusive solution.

How does Allen Carr’s Easyway’s Wellbeing at Work tick all those boxes?

In 2021 Allen Carr’s Easyway launched a full wellbeing at work offering which gave corporate clients and their staff access to sixteen different online video programmes covering a full range of issues and addictions. Many issues and addictions are hidden until they begin to seriously affect an employee’s work performance and even require disciplinary action, but our offering is a proactive, unobtrusive, anonymous, effective and affordable solution that can prevent problems escalating.

Combined with our Live Group Seminars – the package is compelling. In fact, recently, the British Safety Council noted that “at least 50 percent of those who took part in our Live Group Seminars were free after three months” and Welsh Water noted it was 61%.

The Wellbeing at Work programme covers:

Smoking> Vaping> Alcohol> Caffeine> Cannabis> Cocaine> Debt> Emotional Eating> Exercise & Fitness (coming soon)> Fear of Flying> Gambling> Sleep (coming soon)> Stress > Tech Addiction> Weight Loss & Sugar Addiction> Worry (coming soon)

A gentle, unobtrusive, affordable, & effective platform for employers that makes help available to your workforce; free of charge, anonymously, whenever and wherever they need it.

If you would like to know more about how we can help you and your employees’ wellbeing aims:– please complete our contact form here:

Contact us about employee wellbeing

Read more about our Health & Wellbeing Pack for Corporates

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