Frequently Asked Questions

Want to learn more about the method and the online seminar programme?

Every Allen Carr’s Easyway therapist is a former smoker. They all tried to quit countless times before being fortunate enough to find Allen Carr’s Easyway and remember the questions they had prior to quitting.

This part of the site attempts to answer the most frequent questions that smokers ask about the method.

Who are the people at Allen Carr’s Easyway?

For more than 35 years, Allen Carr’s Easyway has been helping people with addictions and issues ranging from smoking, alcohol, weight, drugs, sugar, caffeine, debt, gambling, and even fear of flying. The method has spread around the world by word of mouth for one simple reason: IT WORKS!

We were founded by Allen Carr, a qualified accountant, whose 100-cigarette-a-day addiction was driving him to despair. In 1983, after countless failed attempts to stop with the aid of the willpower method, he finally discovered an Easyway to Quit Smoking.

Currently, the Allen Carr network is the largest in the world in its field with more than 150 centers in 57 countries. Almost all the members of the organization are past smokers who quit smoking through the method and decided to join the organization with the goals of assisting as many smokers as possible to escape the smoking trap and of realizing Allen Carr’s vision of freeing the world from smoking

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What happens during the online seminar?

In a seminar, a qualified Allen Carr therapist presents the nature of the smoking trap and what must be done to free oneself from it. As with any trap or fraud, as soon as you understand it, you will be able to overcome it.

This is not a process of autosuggestion, self-persuasion, or NLP, but rather a logical, clear, and lucid explanation about the addiction mechanism and how to escape from it.

You can think about this as a sketch of a map of traps, which you will see and understand for the first time in your life.

After you have understood how this is structured, something will change your perception and afterwards, you will receive a series of simple instructions—similar to navigation software.

What you have to do in order to escape from the trap is follow the instructions, and you will discover that it can be really easy to quit smoking.

At the end of the program, there is a session of hypnotherapy also aimed at treating the subconscious.

There is also therapist/facilitator support should you need it.

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I already know that smoking is unhealthy; what can you add for me?

The threat of cancer and other diseases does not help smokers to quit and, consequently, we do not use scare tactics. You do not smoke because it is unhealthy; you smoke for other reasons. The entire concept is to identify, treat and rid you of the reasons that make you to want to smoke. 

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What is the difference between Allen Carr’s Easyway and other methods?

Most quitting methods are, for the most part, based on willpower – this means that you have to use your willpower in order to overcome your desire to smoke.

Allen Carr’s Easyway is not based on willpower.

Its only purpose is to negate your desire to smoke forever, and as such, it is – easy.

The goal is to quit smoking immediately, free of any adverse effects, without having to replace cigarettes with food and weight gain and to feel as if you had never smoked at all.

It is also scientifically proven in randomised controlled trials and approved by NICE who say it is cost effective and cost saving to the NHS in the UK. (NICE is a government body in the UK whose role is to improve outcomes for people using the NHS).

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This sounds too good to be true. What proof do you have that the method works?

The numbers speak for themselves. The method has helped more than 50 million smokers throughout the world, most of whom arrived by word of mouth following recommendations of a friend, family member, or colleague who had quit.

We work with thousands of organizations in dozens of countries throughout the world and assist their employees to quit smoking.

Our customers include organizations such as Microsoft, BMW, HP, IBM, Ford, Sony, Virgin, Google, and Unilever.

These organizations would not have sought our assistance unless the method worked.

Furthermore, a number of independent academic studies have been conducted into the method, including a study conducted at the University of Vienna that indicated that even after 3 years, the success rate of the method exceed 51%, a phenomenal figure when compared with any of the other methods.

Two randomised controlled trials confirmed the world class effectiveness of the method.

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What if I’m not so sure that I want to stop smoking?

The fear is clear; most smokers only perceive two options: continue smoking or quit smoking and suffer—yearn for cigarettes, gain weight, envy other smokers, be irritable, etc.

Faced with these two options, most will choose to continue smoking because we prefer the familiar over the unknown or difficult.

But what if there is a third option: to stop smoking easily, without suffering, without envying other smokers, without missing cigarettes, and without changing habits, while continuing to enjoy life and feeling as if you had never, ever smoked?

Would you choose that option?

That is precisely the Easyway, which is intended for all types of smokers, even those who like smoking and are not sure that they want to quit. All that is necessary for success is curiosity and an open mind.

The method causes a perceptual change and will lead you to perceive smoking as you had never perceived it previously and to reach a mindset in which you are no longer attracted to it.

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We will be happy to assist you.

Why do I need the method? I can quit smoking on my own.

Statistics have shown that the success rate of quitting on your own is less than 3% after a year. Smokers have all types of erroneous perceptions about smoking.

The fact that you have been smoking for so many years does not mean that you understand how the addiction mechanism works, in the same way that if you drive a vehicle, you won’t necessarily understand how the engine works. If you need help or a repair, you approach a qualified professional.

At Allen Carr, we specialize in helping people quit smoking. We have assisted tens of millions of smokers and set them free. The purpose of the program is to share the data that we have accumulated with you and to assist you to perceive things truly and clearly, perhaps for the first time in your life.

The difference is not only in the significantly higher success rate than self-quitting, but also in the quality of quitting—the goal is to quit smoking, but continue enjoying life without feeling a lack or sacrifice.

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What if my partner or room mate smokes?

One of the wonderful things about Allen Carr’s Easyway is that, when it works, you won’t have any desire to smoke – even in the company of smokers.

You do not have to undergo the process with your partner or room mate – unless they want to quit too.

Because you’ll find it easy to stop it won’t bother you when they smoke around you and you won’t feel inclined to moan about their smoking.

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Can the method also help cigar smokers and people who use electronic cigarettes?

Definitely! The method is intended for anyone using nicotine.

The addiction to nicotine is identical regardless of the form in which the addictive substance is consumed, and this method is effective to the same degree for anyone dependent on electronic cigarettes, vaporizers, and cigars and even for those addicted to nicotine substitutes such as chewing gum, patches etc.

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I once quit smoking for a lengthy period and then resumed. What guarantees me that this will not happen again?

There are a number of reasons that people resume smoking after quitting.

The first is complacency, the belief that having quit one can now have the occasional cigarette and control our smoking.

The problem is that this never works with addiction.

Just as a recovering alcoholic knows that they cannot have even one drink, a former smoker also has to understand that they do not have the ability to control the addiction.

Another reason is that people return to smoking is because they feel that they’ve sacrificed a pleasure or crutch and continue to yearn for a cigarette.

They miss cigarettes and envy other smokers, so at a certain stage, their resilience breaks and they start smoking again.

The goal of this method is not only to help you quit smoking, but to free you from the desire and teach you how the trap is structured so that you will understand how not to fall into it again.

You simply won’t miss smoking!

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I’m afraid of gaining weight

One of the consequences of most of the quitting methods that are based on willpower is gaining weight.

Contrary to what people think, this is not due to metabolism changes but rather to the fact that when smokers quit smoking but still have a desire to smoke, they feel frustrated, and therefore every time they think of or want a cigarette, they attempt to console themselves with food and drink.

In most cases, they will consume comfort food—candy, carbohydrates, etc.

With Allen Carr’s Easyway you enjoy a sense of freedom and have no inclination to eat or drink instead of smoking – the desire to do so simply doesn’t exist when you are happy not smoking.

Smokers who use willpower to quit do not free themselves of the desire to smoke and therefore gain weight as they substitute with food and drink. ⇧ Up to questions

What about smoking cannabis?

This program is intended for treating nicotine addiction. We have a different program for cannabis addiction. While we do not encourage the use of cannabis, if you wish to continue using cannabis after you quit smoking cigarettes, this is possible, but care must be taken not to mix it with tobacco or nicotine.

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What happens if, after I have finished viewing the program, I require additional help?

There is a special section of questions and answers intended for people who have completed the program. In this section, there are numerous clips that provide supportive advice that you will find useful. Our goal is to help you quit smoking and provide any further advice that you might need. We want you to not only quit smoking but also remain a happy nonsmoker.

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What is special or different about the seminar compared with Allen Carr’s other products or services?

Our seminar is our most successful product.

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Will I have to make other changes in my life after quitting smoking?

Definitely not. You can continue everything as usual, and there is absolutely no need to make any changes whatsoever in your lifestyle, unless you wish to do so for other reasons. You can continue drinking alcohol, taking coffee breaks, going out with friends even those who smoke, and doing everything that you did beforehand without feeling that you are missing cigarettes.

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Can this program help me cut down instead of quitting?

No! Attempting to cut down and control smoking is futile. Addiction simply doesn’t work like that.

You don’t need us to tell you that, no doubt you’ve attempted to cut down and control your smoking many times in the past.

Most people find themselves returning to smoking even more cigarettes after an attempt to cut down.

With smoking, like all addictions, it is a matter of black or white. You are either in or out; there is no middle way.

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Is the method suitable for all types of smokers?

Yes, it makes no difference whether you are a heavy or light smoker, whether you have been smoking for a number of months or decades.

It also makes no difference whether you live in an environment with smokers or not, or if your life is calm or stressful.

Despite your special circumstances, the bottom line is that you are addicted to nicotine; the addiction trap works in the same manner for everyone, and once you understand this, you will be able to free yourself from it permanently.

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Will it help to use nicotine products, medication, or substitutes?

Allen Carr’s Easyway is not compatible with any nicotine products, medication or substitutes and they should not be used in combination with the method.

All these products are designed to ease the process of being freed from addiction.

You will be surprised to discover that the physical addiction is really light and that the crux of the matter lies in changing thought patterns and mental dependence, i.e. cancelling the desire to smoke.

Tens of millions of people have already quit using this method without any drug assistance – in fact such products interfere with the success of this program.⇧ Up to questions

Do you have any additional unanswered questions? Please do not hesitate to contact us

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